As a chairperson, I always look forward to fulfil the basic urban services for the people of Bhuban NAC. (This NAC, Bhuban committed/promised to provide the basic civic services to the urban poor as well as to the public to make this city green & clean with a pollution free and healthy atmosphere).
Sri Suvendu kumar Sahoo, Chairperson
Bhuban NAC
I Expect this website would be able to provide all information and information on various activities undertaken by Bhuban Notified Area Council for the benefit of citizens . The citizen would feel free to give their suggestions and feedback to make this website more citizen friendly and highly Lucrative.
Sri Lokanath Bej, ORS
Executive officer
Bhuban NAC

Tender NumberTender TitleTender Publish DateTender Submition DateTender Opening DateTender Opening Time 
1 Tender call notice 28.02.2025 07.03.2025 07.03.2025 04:00 PM Download
2 Tender call notice 17.02.2024 27.02.2024 28.02.2024 11: 00 AM Download
3 INVITATION FOR BIDS E- Procurement Notice- 02/2020-21 12.03.2021 24.03.2021. 25.03.2021 11 am Download