As a chairperson, I always look forward to fulfil the basic urban services for the people of Bhuban NAC. (This NAC, Bhuban committed/promised to provide the basic civic services to the urban poor as well as to the public to make this city green & clean with a pollution free and healthy atmosphere).
Sri Suvendu kumar Sahoo, Chairperson
Bhuban NAC
I Expect this website would be able to provide all information and information on various activities undertaken by Bhuban Notified Area Council for the benefit of citizens . The citizen would feel free to give their suggestions and feedback to make this website more citizen friendly and highly Lucrative.
Sri Rajiba Lochan Behera
Executive officer
Bhuban NAC
Death Certificate :

What is death certificate ?
A death certificate is a document issued by the government to the nearest relative of the deceased, stating the date, fact and cause of death.

Why it is needed ?
It is essential to register death to prove the time and date of death, to establish the fact of death for relieving the individual from social, legal and official obligations. It is also required to enable the individual for settlement of property inheritance, and to authorize the family to collect insurance and other benefits.

Legal Framework
In India it is mandatory under the Law (as per the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969), to register every death with the concerned State/ UT within 21 days of its occurrence. The government accordingly has provided a very structured system for registration of death, with the Register General at the Centre and Chief Registrars in the states, running through district registrars to the village and town registrars at the periphery.

Eligibility Criteria
The death certificate is issued to the nearest of the deceased.
Concerned Authority
a) In urban areas - Registrar (Birth and death)-cum-Health Officer for Municipal Corporations - Executive Officer for Municipalities/ NACs .
b) In rural areas - Medical Officer in charge UGPHC (Upgraded Primary Health Centre), CHC (Community Health Centre), PHC (Primary health Centre).

1. A death can be reported and registered by the head/ guardian of the family to the concerned authority in case the death occurs in the house.

2. The death can be registered by the medical in charge if it occurs in hospital.

3. The death can be registered by the head man of the village or in charge of the local police if the body is found deserted in that area.

4. For applying death certificate, death has to be registered first to the concerned authority of the locality.

5. The form is available in the offices of local bodies.